Osteopathy & Cranial Osteopathy

  • Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment which looks at structural and mechanical problems of the body, using massage, manipulation, exercise and postural advice to treat everyday pains not only from the back and neck, but all areas of the body.

  • Cranial Osteopathy is a refined and subtle type of osteopathy treatment that uses very gentle manipulative pressure to encourage the release of stresses throughout the body including the head. It is extremely effective in treating a wide range of conditions in people of all ages from birth to old age.

    Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions including:

    back, neck and joint pain

    Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathyheadache

    digestive disorders

    period pain and irregularity

    recurrent infections

    sinusitis, asthma and chest complaints

    stress, depression and fatigue

    childhood problems, crying baby, birth traumas

Our Therapists