Herbal medicine & Homeopathy

  • Herbal Medicine involves the use of medicinal plants which help to bring about healing and balance in individuals. It is a natural, safe and effective medicine for all ages and traditional use goes back many thousands of years in all cultures in the world.

    Medical Herbalists prescribes herbal medicine holistically and without suppression in that the whole person and their health is taken into consideration together with genetics and lifestyle issues through case taking and diagnostic examination. The body works synergistically not in isolation and internal and external factors can contribute greatly to our health such as stress and pollution.

    The herbs used are evidently proven and adhere to regulatory standards. In treatment, herbal medicine comes in different forms such as tinctures, teas, creams, oils, syrups, and tablets.

    Whilst the approach is not to focus on one set of symptoms, the following are common complaints patients have had treatment for and found herbal medicine to be effective:

    - Skins problems such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and hives

    - Menstrual issues such as PMT, fibroids and menopause

    - Digestive disorders such as IBS

    - Pain ranging from migraines, muscular and nerve

    - Stress

    - Sleep problems such as insomnia

    - Immunity issues

    - Fatigue problems

    - Children’s illnesses

    - PMS or menopausal symptoms

    - Blood sugar

    Plus many more

  • Homeopathy is based on the principle that 'like is cured by like'; an illness which produces certain symptoms can be cured by a substance which produces the same symptoms by stimulating the body's own healing mechanism. The approach is to find a remedy which matches the individual's whole symptom picture in detail, but also takes account of general aspects of the person's health, such as the weather and temperature they do best in, their diet and life style, stresses that might contribute to ill health, and family history - to look at inherited tendency to illness. Remedies are derived from plant, animal or mineral sources and are prescribed in tiny concentrated doses as pills or drops. The therapy is suitable for all ages, including babies, and pregnant and breastfeeding women.

    Bodywise is looking for a homeopath to join. Contact us if you are interested

  • Nutritional therapists work with individuals to find out which nutritional factors are affecting a person’s general health and well-being. They suggest specific changes to each client’s diet in an attempt to prevent or alleviate illness. They will also use their specialist knowledge to promote good health.

    Nutritional therapists aim to empower clients towards optimal health. Even small changes in diet and lifestyle can help common symptoms such as:

    - Intolerances

    - asthma

    - stress

    - low energy

    - fatigue

    - headaches and migraines

    - skin problems (psoriasis, acne, eczema)

    - digestive issues (bloating, indigestion, IBS, gut dysbiosis )

    - mood swings

    - PMS or menopausal symptoms

    - fertility issues

    - weight concerns

    - general confusion about food and popular diets

    - arthritis or joint pains

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